Lots of reasons why Craft CMS is going to make you happy

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The Internet is teeming with Content Management Systems. Wordpress is probably the most well-known, but Joomla! and Drupal are also big names. Logical to use one of these three as the basis of our websites, right? Well, no way.

Craft CMS stole our hearts and if you knew it, so would you. Fancy an introduction?

No website without a CMS

A Content Management System (CMS) is a standard product with a website these days. We too no longer deliver a website without a CMS. You want to be able to keep all your information up to date yourself, don't you?

A good CMS allows you, as administrator of your own website, to independently place, modify or add texts and images. You thus have a lot of freedom of action, without affecting the functioning of your website.

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Craft CMS is our choice

OK, so all reliable CMSs do that. So why did we choose Craft CMS, a system still relatively unknown to the general public? Because we want a lot more freedom for our customers.

The freedom to customize a page within the website, for example. And then not be limited to a text and a picture. But at the same time keep the design of the site completely intact. How can that be done?

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By using PageBuilder. This allows you to build each page from blocks. This can be a text block, an image, but also a photo carousel, a table or a quote. When designing and building your website, we provide the blocks with a suitable design and you can then arrange your page yourself without having to worry about layout. We have already done that for you.

So you no longer need to be a designer to create beautiful pages. And you no longer need to be a developer to add a quote or carousel to a page. Everything is already available as soon as your website is delivered. It's up to you to take advantage of it.

If you see your website as more than a static business card and want to be able to supplement it with attractive new pages yourself, we'll build in the PageBuilder and customize it for you.

PageBuilder blocks are:

  • Text - Formatting based on the website design.
  • Image - Size and shape are customizable.
  • Photo Carousel - Size photos and add captions.
  • Photo Grid - Combine multiple photos as a grid.
  • Video - Here you paste the link of a Youtube or Vimeo movie.
  • Quote - with sender and optionally a link.
  • Call to action - Text and button with a link to another page.
  • Form - Customizable in terms of content.
  • FAQ - Per row a question and if you open it the answer.
  • Unique Selling Point (USP) - A grid of titles with short text.
  • Links - Related pages links.
  • Downloads - Selecting or uploading files, such as PDFs.
  • Comments - Allowing people to comment on your article.

So the possibilities for building new pages with this are endless.

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Easy upload

Craft CMS' capabilities don't end there. You have the ability to keep the website up-to-date by updating and adding content yourself. The system tells you step by step what to fill in where. You can easily drag and drop multiple files from your desktop into the CMS. And in the system itself you can divide all files into subfolders of your own choice. This way you keep a tidy website where you can find exactly what you are looking for.

See exactly how the page will look

While updating your Web site, you naturally want to know exactly how the new content will be displayed on the page. That's tricky, because the window you're working in is never exactly the same as the final page. Craft CMS has a great solution for that: the live preview.

As you type, the preview window on the right side of your screen shows you the changes happening live. Uploading images, typing text or rearranging content blocks: you see exactly how it will be displayed. And that saves a lot of time. In the video below you can see exactly how it works.

Oh no... Oh yes!

The system saves previous versions of content. You always have the option of scrolling back to a previous version or using an earlier version instead of the last. So a mistake is easily fixed. And also handy: you can see which other users have made changes.

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Comprehensive user management

With larger Web sites, it is often desirable to have multiple roles and permissions within the system. For example, the website is maintained by multiple editors, there is an administrator, and donors or members have access to restricted areas of the site. The rights of all these users can be determined entirely specifically in Craft CMS. It is possible to grant or deny certain roles access to the CMS or certain parts of the website. It is even possible to specify per account in which language the CMS must be shown.

Multilingualism trumps

Craft CMS is entirely designed to allow a website to be displayed in multiple languages. Would you like to have an English version? No problem. Do you want your website on the web in Dutch, English, German and French? You can. Even a Japanese version is not a problem. For each field we can set whether it should be language-specific. Then it is very easy for you as administrator to enter the different translations into the system in the backend.

That's all fine ... but now us!

All the above features of Craft CMS make your life as an administrator a lot easier. And that's important, because you are the one who is going to maintain your website. But you're not the only one who will be happy with this system. So do we!

Because when designing and developing a website using Craft, we have total freedom. We don't have to limit ourselves to modifying existing templates, as with Wordpress, we can design each website completely as needed. So we deliver a truly unique website, completely in style with your company or association. Or completely different, just as you want. The possibilities are endless!

Moreover, Craft CMS has great technical advantages. It is a fast system, it is easy to update, it is very complete and it is secure. An SEO tool is standard and there is even the possibility to extend the system with a complete web shop.

A few advantages of the Craft CMS at a glance

  • Beautiful and easy to use content management system.
  • Website loads lightning fast due to advanced caching.
  • Images are automatically resized to the desired size.
  • Each type of content has its own section where fields are customized by customization.
  • Easy database backup.
  • Easily view and restore history of changes in entries.
  • A live preview to instantly see what it will look like while populating.
  • Entries can be created as drafts first and put live only after approval.
  • Support for publishing workflows so multiple people can create, modify or validate content before it goes live.
    Websites are optionally easy to create and manage multilingually, without additional plugins.
  • The CMS can be easily updated.
  • Matrix fields allow the creation of building blocks for each type of page.
  • The website is also easy to maintain via your mobile.

You see, we didn't choose Craft CMS lightly. By now, we have been able to make many clients happy with a website using this system. Would you like to know if it would be a good solution for your (new) website as well? Contact us, we'll be happy to tell you more about it.

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