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Webdesign and webdevelopment


Craft CMS 4 website

We are proud to present our latest collaboration: the complete transformation of, developed in partnership with Meute's campaign strategists. Our team and that of Meute worked with passion and dedication on this project, using the latest version, Craft CMS 4, to create a dynamic, responsive and user-friendly website.

Freely infillable is a platform dedicated to sustainability and the transition to a greener future. Our task was to build a website that reflects these values and attracts visitors with intuitive navigation and attractive design.

With Craft CMS 4, we were able to build a customized website that perfectly fits the needs of The flexibility of this content management system allowed us to create a unique user experience, with personalized content and interactive elements.

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Screenshot 2023 06 08 at 16 20 29

Secure and easy to manage

The new website of is fast, secure and easy to manage, thanks to the power of Craft CMS 4. We are proud of the result and look forward to seeing how this website contributes to the green transition.

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