
Making nice work for nice clients

That's what we do in a nutshell. And we've been doing it since 2000. First from premises on the Schiedamse Vest as LFbr and since 2008 from Boomgaardsstraat 166 as PixelDeluxe Interaction Design.
Over the years, we have been able to make many clients happy with our professional services. We are proud to have been able to work with many clients for many years, with some even from our inception.
And we have been doing so all these years from the same passion: user-friendly digital design down to the pixel.

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People ignore design that ignores people.

— Frank Chimoro, designer

Who we are

The team

IMG 7062
Bob van Velzen

Frontend/backend developer

IMG 4546
Martijn La Feber


Cindy van der Schee

Office manager

IMG 4551
Tom Faust


IMG 6183
Kaan Yarpuz

Junior developer

IMG 6186
Jesse van Driel

Mis je een vacature?

Open Sollicitatie

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Meeting white A web design
household name in Rotterdam for 23 years

PixelDeluxe has been a household name in Rotterdam and beyond for 23 years. We have many clients who have had several generations of websites created by us. We are proud of that. We continue to develop, which keeps us relevant and thus we grow with our clients.

Book Broad knowledge on
multiple topics

Remember Flash? We were already online when it was introduced, can you imagine? So we have seen a lot of developments come along and through all our experience we now have a lot of knowledge in the graphic and digital field. We take this knowledge with us on every project and use it to help our customers move forward.

Seo Comprehensive development environment

PixelDeluxe has a well-optimised development environment that is divided into three parts: local, staging and production. In the local environment, the website is developed; in the staging or test environment, adjustments can be safely tested before we implement it live in production. All this runs through a GIT repository (version management). This allows us to develop and publish (deploy) stably and responsibly.

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Tool box Digital

There is a lot involved in developing a good website, web application or web shop. Things like security, aesthetics, targeting, versatility, performance and user-friendliness are important factors, which PixelDeluxe has in house with its various specialists.

Deal Focused on close collaboration

We enjoy working with specialists in all kinds of fields, such as design, marketing and communication, texts, video, seo, apps, etc. It is nice to work together with these professionals in order to be able to use the right person for each project. After all, together you know more.

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