Selling completely customized

Do you have products or services for sale and do not want a standard web shop, but are looking for a well thought out e-commerce solution then you have come to the right place at PixelDeluxe.

selling products or services

Your own online store

Web stores come in different shapes and sizes and for all kinds of different products or applications. It is cheaper and easier to set up than a real store. We design and develop an entirely customized web store that is easy to use and allows you to make immediate sales.

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It is possible to build in e-commerce solutions using Craft CMS as well. A website can then be completely equipped with the following options.

Order summary
View all of your customers' orders in one place - even incomplete shopping carts - in the intuitive and modular order index.


Add more revenue streams and product opportunities with subscriptions. Stores built with Craft Commerce can accept recurring payments.

Dynamic pricing

Entice your customers with discounts for "buy more, save more" and other condition-based dynamic pricing rules.

Got curious?

Make an appointment to present your case to us.

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