Nieuwsbegrip Flanders

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Webdevelopment, 2018


Website with licence management in Craft CMS 3

Nieuwsbegrip is, for most school-aged children, a well-known reading comprehension method developed by CED-Groep. Together with the designers at L5, PixelDeluxe developed the website for the Flemish version of Nieuwsbegrip. The website was previously based on Flash, but that is an outdated technology.

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Nieuwsbegrip is a teaching method for reading comprehension. Every week, a teacher can download a new lesson and have the pupils do it. A Flemish school takes out a subscription to the website and manages its own teachers' access to the system.

Nieuwsbegrip be mijn nieuwsbegrip materiaal vnb1837c 2018 09 14 14 02 00
Nieuwsbegrip be account login 2018 09 14 14 01 32

Automated licence management

One starts with a trial licence and when it is about to expire, e-mails are automatically sent to take out a real licence. This is fully automatic and the licences can be renewed automatically. All licence holders are easy to manage and can also be exported to Excel for statistics.

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