Holland Lift

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Webdesign and webdevelopment


Multilingual website in craft CMS 3

HollandLift asked us to design and develop their new multilingual website. HollandLift is a Dutch scissor lift factory and the desire was to better present their range of different scissor lifts to their prospects and customers.

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Sharing knowledge and news

From the initial discussions brainstorming sessions, it became clear that Holland Lift has a lot of knowledge and services to offer its customers. In fact, the company has been at the forefront of technical innovations for years but is not sufficiently known for this.

To change this, we placed an element on the homepage of the website presenting the latest and most sustainable scissor lifts. This way, visitors immediately see what the company stands for: innovation.

Furthermore, we designed a news section where Holland Lift can add knowledge, news items and innovations and share them via social media.

Screencapture hollandlift nl schaarhoogwerkers 2022 01 31 10 50 35

Very nice that we can now present all our scissor lifts in the right way.

Screencapture hollandlift nl schaarhoogwerkers hl 220 e12 specificaties 2022 01 31 10 59 52

A human touch

Although Hollandlift was already known for its customer-friendly and knowledgeable staff, the human touch was not yet reflected on the old website. Therefore, together with Matzwart, we made sure that the new website does reflect this. For example, Holland Lift's employees are now more prominent in the photos and videos, and we created an 'About us' section where Holland Lift's great story is told in detail.


All information easy to find

We designed the website so that customers find what they are looking for in as few steps as possible. How we did this? By paying extra attention to different menus and overview pages.

The right AWP can be found by using a pleasantly working filter component. Different services have their own detail page that can be reached via an overview page with tiles and images or icons. Furthermore, informative sections on the website have a simple menu in view, so that you always have an overview and can easily browse through the various topics.

Screencapture hollandlift nl toepassingen 2022 01 31 11 00 37

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