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Interaction design, 2017


Complete UX process incl. HTML/CSS templates

eQuse is a provider of an online quality system. This system helps organizations secure ISO certifications and properly organize documents, processes and tasks.

The question

The eQuse web application is a comprehensive system, which is a good solution for many different companies to ensure their quality. Over time, the system has grown into an extensive collection of apps, with the flow of the system no longer always clear to the user.

eQuse engaged us to create a good foundation for the existing system, where it will always be clear to the different users how the system should and can be used.

eQuse Werkomgeving Dashboard
Equse Flow

Our solution

A web application like eQuse grows in the course of time and often ends up as a system in which a lot is possible, but the way it works does not (anymore) match the wishes of the users. In such a case it pays to create a new interaction design, so that the system, from the existing operation, can get a new and user-friendly flow.

We started with an inventory of the system, the users, user and business goals. In consultation with eQuse, we determined what we would mainly work on, so that we could spend our available hours as efficiently as possible.

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