De kliniek voor tandheelkunde

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Webdesign en development, 2020



For the dental practice De kliniek voor tandheelkunde we developed a responsive website where patients and partners can find information or their way around. The website is clear and uncluttered and has its own style.

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A modern practice

A modern practice cannot do without a modern website. The website has been set up entirely in the style of the corporate identity. In this way, it is an unambiguous look for all DKVT expressions.

Screencapture dekliniekvoortandheelkunde nl wat bieden wij implantologie 2020 09 29 09 19 25

Clear and easy to use

A good website just feels better than a poorly made one. Even at De Kliniek voor Tandheelkunde we again made sure that the website works pleasantly and that you never lose your way. Also, as a user, you can get to all the content within a few clicks.

Screencapture dekliniekvoortandheelkunde nl nieuws 2020 09 29 09 24 11

News Archive

DKVT has a lot to report on current developments in the market, which is why PixelDeluxe has added extensive news functionality to the website. Thus, all news items, as well as the archive, can be easily visited.

The website turned out beautifully and is a wonderful extension of our visual identity

— Jan Willem Vaartjes

Page Blocks

Through the page blocks functionality, the client has the ability to format the page to accommodate different types of page elements. Easily created and populated by DKVT, such as employee tiles.

Screencapture dekliniekvoortandheelkunde nl de kliniek het team tandartsen 2020 09 29 09 23 33


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