Van Houwelingen & Partners

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Responsive website met CMS, 2020

Van Houwelingen & Partners is a bailiffs' office based in Vlaardingen. They do all kinds of services in the field of collection of unpaid bills by individuals and companies.

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Screencapture houwelingen partners nl 2020 08 28 17 10 25

The question

Van Houwelingen & Partners asked PixelDeluxe to design and develop the new website for them.

Screencapture houwelingen partners nl nieuws 2020 08 28 17 13 19

The solution

PixelDeluxe has designed and developed an attractive website that allows bailiffs to easily do their work and help both creditors and debtors solve their problem in a user-friendly way. The website is also intended for new clients. For example, housing associations or healthcare institutions that have customers who cannot pay their outstanding bills.

Screencapture houwelingen partners nl debiteuren 2020 08 28 17 14 34

The result

We pride ourselves on an attractive-looking website that has also been supplemented with all kinds of forms to enable debtors to easily repay their debts via iDEAL or make arrangements.

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