Company Webcast

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Interaction design, 2010


UI/UX design templates

Company Webcast is a company that facilitates live webcasts, webinars and lectures. For example, quarterly figure presentations of publicly traded companies or lessons on investing. Meetings of municipalities and provinces are also broadcast live and made digitally accessible by them.

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The question

Over the years, since 2010, we have received several requests to develop a suite of different tools for them. This started with a broadcast widget that governments could embed in their own website and where people could easily watch or review all live broadcasts. We also developed a webinar portal, elaborated a video player, a moderation tool for directing and a timeline editor to edit webcasts later and provide additional context.

CWC No Chat

Our solution

We always listened carefully to the question and requirements and we worked with that. If necessary, we developed sketches or wireframes and then developed pixel-precise designs of all stages and functionalities so that they could properly incorporate this into their palette of applications.

Cwc Moderatietool
Cwc Live Manager V6

The result

With Company Webcast, we have a party that has been very happy for years with the designs we develop with them. Always taking into account technical preconditions and the wishes of the end user.

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