Web Applications

Your web application is a complex technical product and there's a lot of development time involved. We understand that. So we handle it with care, without being gentle.

It's your baby

You have a product that is technically sound, but it lacks the right design. We are happy to work on it, but not like an elephant in a china shop. After all, it's still your baby.

A strong end product

We provide your complex web application with an attractive and understandable design, in which your knowledge and ours come together. This way your application will be logical to use, very beautiful and above all very effective.

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User-friendly and successful design

You are able to realize your website or application technically, but you find realizing a user-friendly and successful design difficult. At PixelDeluxe, we think differently, because interaction design is our specialization. As a result, we make your project better than you thought it could be. And we do that together with you.

Inventory and prioritization

We start by taking an inventory of the application and, together with you, we prioritize. What are we going to tackle? What can be improved? Where are we going to focus our attention? What are your wishes and: what is our vision on this?

User stories

Together with you, we work out user stories, which will form the basis of the interaction design. After this, we start working in short sprints. Also during these phases we are in close contact. Throughout the project, we work together.

Interaction design

Like an architect, we go to work. We draw the basics and take into account all functionalities. We bring complexity back to simplicity. We go through thoughtful interaction design to a simple and effective design. We produce as little residual material as possible: we create wireframes where necessary, but do without where possible. The means should not become an end in itself.

Elaborate responsive and pixel perfect templates

We convert this design into responsive HTML/CSS templates, which we then hand over to you. Even after this, we will of course keep in touch. The lines remain short, because even during the realization challenges can arise. And together we can certainly meet them.

Can we help you make your application more user-friendly?

We are happy to think with you!

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