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Webdesign, 2017


Comprehensive interest group website with Craft CMS

Waterbouw.nl is a website that aims to ensure a good connection between vocational education and the labour market with the prospect of excellent career prospects in Waterbouw.

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Waterbouw screenshot4

The question

Hydraulics also asked us to develop their next website, so that it is fully responsive and works well on various devices. Again, the website needed to be modern and more in line with the other website we created for them, gezondwerkenindewaterbouw.nl.

Waterbouw screenshot3

For anyone working in the world-renowned sector of hydraulic engineering

Our solution

PixelDeluxe has developed a user-friendly website that is easy to maintain by Hydraulics and for users to view on various devices. We have ensured that various audiences can easily access the desired information.

The result

It has become a beautiful website that does justice to the imagery used.

Waterbouw screenshot2

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