Rotterdamse Leerroutekaart

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Interactive website with Craft CMS 3

How do you choose your school career? With so many schools and conditions, that can be a daunting task. Together with our partner Studio Brandenburg, we developed a web application for the Municipality of Rotterdam, Education Department, which allows pupils and students to map out their own learning route and save it as a PDF to use as a talking piece when discussing it with parents, teacher or dean.

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From poster to web

Previously, Studio Brandenburg developed a poster of the Rotterdam Learning Roadmap and from this a need emerged for an interactive version. It had to be logical enough to be used by students, parents and teachers. And, of course, it did not have to be captured by one platform.

Step-by-step clarity

So together with Studio Brandenburg, based on their design, we developed a single page application in which users can design their own learning route. Click by click, the route appears on screen and once it is finished, it can be downloaded as a pdf, so it can be used during a proper conversation with parents or a dean.

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Screenshot 2020 06 10 at 11 50 57

Responsive and lout-proof

We made the design fully responsive, so the website is not only usable on a desktop (okay, boomer), but also on a mobile or tablet. It is also very user-friendly, so that both teenagers and people over 50 can use it.

The Municipality of Rotterdam can adjust the texts on the site itself via the CMS, so that the Learning Map can be kept up to date and will last for years.

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