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Webdesign, 2016


Website with Craft CMS

Mondzorgkosten is an intiative of the ANT (Association of Dutch Dentists). They want to give patients of dentists more insight into the cost of treatments.

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The question

ANT asked us to help think about how to help patients make dental bills more understandable. It had to be a website that was attractive and user-friendly for individuals. They also wanted an option to get a list of the relevant dental codes based on a QR code on a bill, directly on the website.

Mondzorgkosten profielen

The solution

We designed and built a website in Craft CMS, which allowed ANT to easily populate the content. All dental codes and patient profiles were added to it, along with the underlying calculations. Since there are more than 800 codes involved, it is impractical to manually implement price changes every year, so we added a separate calculation factor for each code group. Adjusting these will instantly update all codes throughout the website to the new rates.

Screencapture mondzorgkosten nl behandelingen implantaat immediaat voortand advanced 2020 08 28 14 46 09
Mondzorgkosten behandelingen

The solution

We designed and built a website in Craft CMS, which allowed ANT to easily populate the content. All dental codes and patient profiles were added to it, along with the underlying calculations. Since there are more than 800 codes involved, it is impractical to manually implement price changes every year, so we added a separate calculation factor for each code group. Adjusting these will instantly update all codes throughout the website to the new rates.

Curious about what we can do for you?

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