All Arts

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Responsive website with Craft CMS

All Arts is a tax consultancy for performing artists. PixelDeluxe was asked to design and develop All Arts' new website. We designed and developed an uncluttered and businesslike yet artistic website.

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The question

All Arts' website was several years old and in need of updating. So they were looking for a company in their neighborhood where they could have short lines of communication and develop a unique website together. Because we are also located in the center of Rotterdam, the match was quickly made.

Screencapture allarts nl over 2020 05 04 11 05 02 copy

About All Arts

All Arts is a tax consultancy for theater makers, DJs, filmmakers, musicians, pop stages, festivals, media and sports. They have an enthusiastic team that worked with us to explore the needs and possibilities, creating this multilingual website.

Screencapture allarts nl over 2020 05 04 11 05 02 copy
Screencapture allarts nl nieuws kamerbrief over werken als zelfstandige 2020 05 04 11 04 42 copy
Screencapture allarts nl 2020 05 04 11 03 36
Screencapture allarts nl artikelen 2020 05 04 11 05 26

Our solution

The website uses a custom page block system, where All Arts can decide for each detail page what components the page will be built from. A piece of text, an image or a carousel, video, table or photo grid. Very handy. And so you are not in a straitjacket, but can elaborate per page as much as you want or have to say.

Screencapture allarts nl nieuws 2020 05 04 11 03 53

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