Flexible page structure

Recipe structure

A flexible or free page structure on your website can offer several advantages:

  1. Customisability: A flexible page structure gives you the freedom to adapt your website layout to your specific needs. This means you can adapt and optimise your website based on user feedback, analytics or changes in your business goals.
  2. Scalability: As your business grows, so will your website. A flexible structure allows you to add new sections, pages or functionalities without having to redesign the whole site.
  3. Creativity: A free page structure offers more room for creative expression. It allows you to experiment with different design elements and styles to create a unique and engaging user experience.
  4. User experience: A flexible structure can improve the user experience by allowing you to organise your website in a way that is most logical and intuitive for your users.
  5. Testing and optimisation: With a flexible structure, you can more easily run A/B tests and make continuous optimisations based on the results.

However, it is important to remember that an overly free structure can also have drawbacks. For example, it can be difficult for users to navigate and find what they are looking for if there is no clear navigation or hierarchy. It can also adversely affect SEO if search engines have trouble understanding the structure of your website. So it is important to strike a balance between flexibility and usability. You can choose to set up the structure properly and then not keep changing it later. If you do. Then keep in mind that you also redirect the pages whose location you have changed.

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